You will be charged the total amount on your selected credit card upon purchase, drawing down from your overall credit limit as assigned by the issuing bank. You will only be billed the monthly payment depending on the tenure selected. Your monthly payments will be made directly to the issuing bank.
Articles in this section
- What is Pay In Instalments?
- How does Pay In Instalments work?
- Who is eligible for Pay In Instalments?
- Is there a minimum transaction amount to opt for Pay In Instalments?
- How do I opt for Pay In Instalments?
- Will I be able to use Pay In Instalments on Fave Deals and Fave eCards?
- Can I use Fave cashback for the Pay In Instalments purchase?
- Will I be granted partner cashback and credit card rewards for Pay In Instalment purchases?
- How do I trace my transaction history and remaining balance to pay for Pay In Instalments transactions?
- What happens if my transaction is not converted to instalments?