Promo codes are subject to terms and conditions. Some of the reasons why your promo code could not be applied could be:
- The promo code is only valid for new users.
- The promo code has expired and is no longer valid.
- Your purchase did not meet the minimum spend required.
- The promo code's maximum usage count has been reached.
- The promo code is only valid with Fave deal purchases and not FavePay, vice versa.
- The promo code is only valid with deals from certain collections.
- The promo code states ‘exclusions apply’. This means that it is not valid for all partners. You may check the exclusions list to see which partners are not participating in the promo code campaign.
For further instructions on how to add a promo code to your Fave deal purchase, check out the link here.
For using promo codes on FavePay transactions, refer to: Can I use a promo code on my FavePay transaction?